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The Master of Animal Science program requires 36 credit hours, which includes 19 credits of core courses and 17 credits of elective courses.

Required Core Courses

Units: 1

Weekly seminars on topics of current interest given by resident faculty members, graduate students and visiting lecturers.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Basic concepts of statistical models and use of samples; variation, statistical measures, distributions, tests of significance, analysis of variance and elementary experimental design, regression and correlation, chi-square.

Offered in Fall Spring Summer

Biochemistry or Ag Education - Choose one

Units: 3

Consideration of the need for planning programs in education; objectives and evaluation of community programs; use of advisory group; organization and use of facilities.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

Principles, theory and techniques of using information technologies to provide instruction to learners, both in person and at a distance, in formal and non formal educational settings.

Offered in Spring Only

Units: 3

Study of hormonal, enzymatic and molecular-genetic regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism; emphasis on mammalian species.

Offered in Fall Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years

Genetics - Choose one

Units: 3

Modern evaluation and selection procedures for domestic animals; selection goals, estimation of breeding values and performance testing; their impact on genetic changes.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

The objective of this course is to provide students with an integrated exposure to the major current concepts in genomics and proteomics. Genomic and proteomic methods will be covered at a level that will allow students to read and comprehend articles dealing with animal genome research.

Offered in Spring Only

Nutrition - Choose one

Units: 3

Applied concepts in ruminant nutrition for the practicing agricultural professional. Protein, energy, vitamin and mineral nutrition in relation to the nutritional needs and practical feeding of beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, and goats. New developments in feeding systems, feed additives and the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders. Emphasis on solving problems in case studies. Permission given to undergraduates

Offered in Fall Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Even Years

Units: 1 - 3

Selection or assignment of special problems in various phases of animal science.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 3

Study of hormonal, enzymatic and molecular-genetic regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism; emphasis on mammalian species.

Offered in Fall Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years

Units: 3

Overview of fields of Nutritional Sciences; functions of nutrients in the human body; sources and properties of nutrients; relationships of food industry practices to nutrition. Credit will not be given for both NTR [FS]400 and NTR 500

Offered in Summer

Physiology - Choose one

Units: 3

Current reproductive management techniques for each of the major mammalian livestock species. Enable students to develop reproductive decision making skills. Must hold graduate status.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years

Units: 3

Comparative approach to examining aspects of reproductive physiology in selected vertebrate species. Detailed examination of current reproductive biotechnologies and ethical issues associated with the application of reproductive biotechnologies. Credit will not be given for both ANS 452 and ANS [PHY] 552.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Even Years

Electives - Choose one ANS Elective

New courses are always being developed, and many Ag*IDEA classes can also count as ANS electives. Please visit Ag*IDEA for more information on classes.

Units: 3

Current reproductive management techniques for each of the major mammalian livestock species. Enable students to develop reproductive decision making skills. Must hold graduate status.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years

Units: 3

Modern evaluation and selection procedures for domestic animals; selection goals, estimation of breeding values and performance testing; their impact on genetic changes.

Offered in Fall Only

Units: 3

Applied concepts in ruminant nutrition for the practicing agricultural professional. Protein, energy, vitamin and mineral nutrition in relation to the nutritional needs and practical feeding of beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, and goats. New developments in feeding systems, feed additives and the prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders. Emphasis on solving problems in case studies. Permission given to undergraduates

Offered in Fall Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Even Years

Units: 3

Comparative approach to examining aspects of reproductive physiology in selected vertebrate species. Detailed examination of current reproductive biotechnologies and ethical issues associated with the application of reproductive biotechnologies. Credit will not be given for both ANS 452 and ANS [PHY] 552.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Even Years

Units: 3

This course explores concepts in equine nutrition including digestive physiology of horses, nutrient requirements for different classes of horses and feed management. Ration evaluation and balancing, as well as problem solving will be a core component to this course.

Offered in Spring Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years

Units: 3

Study of hormonal, enzymatic and molecular-genetic regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism; emphasis on mammalian species.

Offered in Fall Only

YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years

Units: 3

The objective of this course is to provide students with an integrated exposure to the major current concepts in genomics and proteomics. Genomic and proteomic methods will be covered at a level that will allow students to read and comprehend articles dealing with animal genome research.

Offered in Spring Only

You May Substitute One of the Following for Core Course ANS 601 - Animal Science Seminar

Units: 1

Weekly seminars on topics of current interest given by resident faculty members, graduate students and visiting lecturers.

Offered in Spring Only

Units: 1

Weekly seminars on topics of current interest given by resident faculty members, graduate students and visiting lecturers.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 1

Weekly seminars on topics of current interest given by resident faculty members, graduate students and visiting lecturers.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 1

Institutional rules guiding the responsible conduct of research [RCR] and their philosophical justification. Rudiments of moral reasoning and their application to RCR. Topics: plagiarism, falsification and fabrication of data, and ethics versus custom, law, science, and religion.

Offered in Fall and Spring

Units: 1

Plagiarism, authorship, fraud, safety, sexual harassment, IACUC, consulting agreements, serving as an expert witness, contacting elected officials, working with press, human subjects committee, and related topics.

Offered in Spring Only