Non-Degree Studies
Explore NC State’s expansive undergraduate and graduate course catalog without enrolling in a degree-seeking program.
Non-Degree Studies
The Non-Degree Studies Program (NDS) at NC State offers students the opportunity to enroll in courses at NC State without, or prior to, enrolling in a degree-seeking program. This classification is right for many people. If you are:
- An undergraduate certificate or licensure student;
- Someone considering an NC State degree program, but not yet ready to apply;
- A visiting student from another institution, taking NC State distance education courses to meet degree requirements at your home school;
- A post-baccalaureate student taking prerequisites for a graduate program;
- A high school Academic Enrichment Opportunities (AEO) student;
- An adult brushing up academically for professional or personal reasons; then Non-Degree Studies is your classification!
Registration Details
As an NDS student, you may register for a maximum course load of 8 hours per semester on a space-available basis. Admission to NDS does not imply admission to an undergraduate or graduate certificate or degree program. Some courses carry prerequisites or are limited to degree-seeking students, so review the course schedule to determine your eligibility.
NOTE: NDS applications are good for a full year with consecutive enrollment. For example, if you apply for Summer I, you do not need to submit a separate application for Summer II, Fall or Spring as long as you enroll in each term. If you do not enroll in consecutive terms, your NDS status will be discontinued and you must re-apply to enroll in future terms. NDS students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to retain their eligibility.
Course Level
Students that have completed a bachelor’s degree upon admission to the NDS program are eligible to enroll in graduate coursework as a Post-Baccalaureate Studies (PBS) student.
Students that have not yet completed a bachelor’s degree will enter the NDS program as Undergraduate Studies (UGS) students and are only permitted to enroll in undergraduate-level coursework. Permission must be received from the instructor and department offering the course in order to enroll in a graduate-level course.
Credit for Degree
All coursework completed as an NDS student carries degree credit. Students admitted to an undergraduate program will have all coursework, including grades, applied to the undergraduate degree total GPA.
Students admitted to a graduate program may request up to 12 credit hours be transferred into their degree program. Transferred hours are subject to Graduate School approval, rules and procedures.