LEAP requires 21 credit hours, including these courses:
AEE 500 - Agricultural Education, Schools and Society
Units: 3
The role and structure of modern agricultural education within the overall educational system. School organization and governance, curriculum, teacher roles and responsibilities, educational philosophy and history, multiculturalism, special need students, impact of technology, professionalism, and current educational trends and issues.
Offered in Fall and Summer
AEE 503 - Youth Program Management
Units: 3
Research, theory and principles of youth organization management. Analysis of youth development models and application of leadership theory in a youth organization. Using evaluation models to assess the effectiveness of major youth organization. Web-based course.
Offered in Spring Only
AEE 522 - Occupational Experience in Agriculture
Units: 3
A major and critical element in all programs of vocational education is provision for appropriate student learning experiences in a real and simulated employment environment. Due to recent developments in education and agriculture, new and expanded concepts of occupational experience devised. Current research substantiates need and desire of teachers of agriculture for assistance in implementing new concepts. Also designed to develop depth of understanding of theoretical foundations underlying new developments in occupational experiences to stimulate individual growth and creativity in implementing further developments.
Offered in Fall Only
AEE 524 - Coordinating the High School Agricultural Education Program
Units: 3
Principles of program planning applied to educational programs about agriculture; theory and field experiences in planning, organizing, and evaluating secondary agricultural education programs; development of plans for conducting all aspects of the complete agricultural education programs.
Offered in Spring Only
AEE 535 - Teaching Agriculture in Secondary Schools
Units: 3
Application of theoretical models and research on effective teaching in secondary agricultural education programs. teaching strategies, planning required, and instructional management for students with varying backgrounds. Evaluation of student learning and teacher evaluation of instruction.
Offered in Fall Only
YEAR: Offered Alternate Odd Years
AEE 641 - Practicum In Agricultural and Extension Education
Units: 1 - 6
Faculty-supervised practicum in an educational, extension or agricultural industry setting.
Offered in Fall Spring Summer
TYPE: Internship Course
EDP 304 - Educational Psychology
Units: 3
Psychological principles applied to education, including cognitive and personality development, individual differences, learning and behavior theory, cognitive strategies for learning and remembering, critical thinking and problem-solving strategies, student motivation, classroom management techniques, components of teacher effectiveness, measurement and student evaluation procedures, characteristics of exceptional children, mainstreaming in the classroom, and multicultural education.
GEP: Social Sciences
Offered in Fall Spring Summer
Educational Psychology
The student is to complete a course in educational psychology at a local university or through distance education from the university of the student's choice. At NCSU the course is EDP 304, however the number of seats is often limited. Many of our students have also taken the course PSYC 2060 through LSU to meet this requirement. Please be aware that courses such as Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, or Adolescent Development do not meet this requirement.