Graduate Research Fellow
What Does a Professional in this Career Do?
A Graduate Research Fellow assists with an academic research program or project. Works in a variety of fields within science or the social sciences, in programs based at a university. Conducts field or library research or recruits participants for a study; may also assist with legal research.
Job Outlook
There were 12 Graduate Research Fellow job postings in North Carolina in the past year and 726 in the United States.
We do not have this data at this time.
Many new Graduate Research Fellow jobs have salaries estimated to be in the following ranges, based on the requirements and responsibilities listed in job postings from the past year.
The average estimated salary in the United States for this career, based on job postings in the past year, is $85,397.
The average estimated salary in North Carolina for this career, based on job postings in the past year, is $85,397.
Percentiles represent the percentage that is lower than the value. For example, 25% of estimated salaries for Graduate Research Fellow postings in the United States in the past year were lower than $70,208.
Education and Experience
Posted Graduate Research Fellow jobs typically require the following level of education. The numbers below are based on job postings in the United States from the past year. Not all job postings list education requirements.
Education Level | Percentage |
Associate's Degree | 0% |
Bachelor's Degree | 40.77% |
Master's Degree | 34.16% |
Doctoral Degree | 39.53% |
Other | 2.89% |
Posted Graduate Research Fellow jobs typically require the following number of years of experience. The numbers below are based on job postings in the United States from the past year. Not all job postings list experience requirements.
Years of Experience | Percentage |
0 to 2 years | 73.33% |
3 to 5 years | 20% |
6 to 8 years | 2.67% |
9+ years | 4% |
Below are listings of the most common general and specialized skills Graduate Research Fellow positions expect applicants to have as well as the most common skills that distinguish individuals from their peers. The percentage of job postings that specifically mention each skill is also listed.
Baseline Skills
A skill that is required across a broad range of occupations, including this one.
- Research (71.21%)
- Communication (27.41%)
- Writing (22.59%)
- Presentations (15.7%)
- Management (15.15%)
- Teaching (14.88%)
- Leadership (12.4%)
- Mentorship (10.74%)
- Operations (10.33%)
- Decision Making (9.5%)
Defining Skills
A core skill for this occupation, it occurs frequently in job postings.
- Autoencoders (12.14%)
Necessary Skills
A skill that is requested frequently in this occupation but isn’t specific to it.
- Geophysical Data (12.14%)
- Underground Storage Tanks (UST) (13.59%)
- Convolutional Neural Networks (12.14%)
- Algorithms (14.32%)
- Data Analysis (23.3%)
- Applied Mathematics (12.86%)
- Biology (7.04%)
- Version Control (12.14%)
- Marketing (9.47%)
- Algorithm Design (12.14%)
- Oil and Gas (12.86%)
- Geophysics (12.38%)
- Community Resilience (13.11%)
- Artificial Intelligence (15.78%)
- Physics (17.23%)
- Machine Learning (15.78%)
- Software Development (13.11%)
- Separation Process (13.11%)
- Numerical Analysis (12.14%)
- Continuous Integration (12.14%)
- Soil Science (14.56%)
- Environmental Resource Management (15.29%)
- Water Resources (13.11%)
- Nursing (9.95%)
- Deep Learning (12.86%)
- Python (Programming Language) (15.05%)
- Real World Data (12.14%)
- PyTorch (Machine Learning Library) (12.38%)
- Remote Sensing (13.11%)
- Project Management (44.17%)
- Groundwater (13.59%)
- Nuclear Safety (36.65%)
- Radioactive Waste (13.59%)
- TensorFlow (12.62%)
- Scientific Literature (13.11%)
- Simulations (14.32%)
- Social Sciences (6.07%)
- Environmental Contamination (12.86%)
- Operational Performance Management (12.86%)
- Generative Adversarial Networks (12.14%)
- Variational Autoencoders (12.14%)
Alternative Job Titles
Sometimes employers post jobs with Graduate Research Fellow skills but a different job title. Some common alternative job titles include:
- Graduate Fellow
- Fellowship Program Coordinator
- Postgraduate Fellow
- Fellow
- Undergraduate Research Fellow
- Undergraduate Teaching Fellow
- Postdoctoral Fellow
- Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow
- Graduate School Fellow
Similar Occupations
If you are interested in exploring occupations with similar skills, you may want to research the following job titles. Note that we only list occupations that have at least one corresponding NC State Online and Distance Education program.
- College Professor (Other)
- Research Associate (General)
- Research Scientist
- Research Assistant
- Elementary and Secondary School Administrator (General)
- Higher Education Administrator
- Research Analyst
Common Employers
Here are the employers that have posted the most Graduate Research Fellow jobs in the past year along with how many they have posted.
United States
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (201)
- Ohio State University-Newark Campus (19)
- Wayne State University (15)
- Merrimack College (13)
- University of Kansas (13)
- Bridgewater State University (10)
- Houston Methodist (10)
- Dartmouth Health (10)
- Suffolk University (9)
- Northeastern University (7)
North Carolina
- Aura Technologies (3)
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (3)
- North Carolina State University at Raleigh (1)
- University of North Carolina at Pembroke (1)
NC State Programs Relevant to this Career
If you are interested in preparing for a career in this field, the following NC State Online and Distance Education programs offer a great place to start!
- Fundamentals of Entomology Undergraduate Certificates
- Microbiology Undergraduate Certificates
- Statistics Master's Degrees
All wages, job posting statistics, employment trend projections, and information about skill desirability on this page represents historical data and does not guarantee future conditions. Data is provided by and downloaded regularly from Lightcast. For more information about how Lightcast gathers data and what it represents, see Lightcast Data: Basic Overview on Lightcast's Knowledge Base website.