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Browse Science and Research Careers

Science and Research

Careers | Science and Research

Browse Science and Research Careers

A Medical Research Scientist conducts research with the goal of understanding diseases and improving human health. May…

High: $176,647
Low: $109,463
Employment Trend
+ 0.0457% Annually
11.89% Bachelor's
9.51% Master's

A Medical Research Scientist conducts research with the goal of understanding diseases and improving human health. May…

High: $176,647
Low: $109,463
Employment Trend
+ 0.0457% Annually
11.89% Bachelor's
9.51% Master's

A Medical Research Scientist conducts research with the goal of understanding diseases and improving human health. May…

High: $176,647
Low: $109,463
Employment Trend
+ 0.0457% Annually
11.89% Bachelor's
9.51% Master's

A Medical Science Liaison establishes and maintains relationships with leading physicians at academic institutions and…

High: $164,082
Low: $88,961
Employment Trend
+ 0.0457% Annually
27.73% Bachelor's
29.08% Master's

A Microbiologist studies microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and parasites. Collects samples and grows cultures;…

High: $104,156
Low: $76,047
Employment Trend
+ 0.0238% Annually
74.01% Bachelor's
20.13% Master's