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Browse Hospitality, Food, and Tourism Careers

Hospitality, Food, and Tourism

Careers | Hospitality, Food, and Tourism

Browse Hospitality, Food, and Tourism Careers

An Event Planner coordinates promotional sales events, professional meetings and family events. Works with clients,…

High: $61,018
Low: $45,103
Employment Trend
+ 0.0269% Annually
32.71% Bachelor's
2.53% Master's

A Meat and Seafood Processor or Packager works in a processing facility to cut, sort and package meat and seafood for…

High: $50,273
Low: $32,839
Employment Trend
+ 0.0025% Annually
1.46% Bachelor's
6.01% Master's

A Recreation or Activities Worker leads tours and vacation trips in outdoor or wilderness areas. Leads hiking,…

High: $45,175
Low: $31,193
Employment Trend
+ 0.0315% Annually
13.61% Bachelor's
2.46% Master's

A Restaurant or Food Service Manager oversees daily operations at a restaurant or an institution that serves meals such…

High: $65,332
Low: $48,612
Employment Trend
+ 0.0176% Annually
14.18% Bachelor's
0.59% Master's