Browse Business Management and Operations Careers
A Vice President is a high-level manager at a company of organization. Often reports to the President of the company or…
High: $244,642
Low: $173,829
Employment Trend
+ 0.0276% Annually
54.09% Bachelor's
32.22% Master's
A Warehouse or Distribution Supervisor manages daily operations at a warehouse. Hires, trains, and supervises warehouse…
High: $67,422
Low: $53,479
Employment Trend
+ 0.0344% Annually
23.44% Bachelor's
1.61% Master's
All wages, job posting statistics, employment trend projections, and information about skill desirability on this page represents historical data and does not guarantee future conditions. Data is provided by and downloaded regularly from Lightcast. For more information about how Lightcast gathers data and what it represents, see Lightcast Data: Basic Overview on Lightcast's Knowledge Base website.